Louise Mensch Locked Out of Twitter
Tonight, Twitter notified me it has locked Louise Mensch’s account, at least temporarily, for her release of my private information. I’m pleased to see Twitter take action in this case as Mensch has a clear pattern of abuse of many women on the social network and clearly doxed me on October 20th.
Although it took about 3 days for Twitter to intervene in my case, I hope it’s a positive sign that the company will do better for others in the future, especially women. Earlier this month many women took a day off Twitter to protest its careless, laissez faire approach to harassment prompting CEO Jack Dorsey to pledge to do better.
I was an early fan of Mensch’s anti-Trump tweets and applauded her appearance on Real Time, but soon after she blocked me and took a bizarre public turn that was apparently always planned. I wish to highlight the work of many women on Twitter calling attention to the fraud of Louise Mensch.
Mensch worked for Rupert Murdoch as recently as Feb 2016. She’s pictured here cozying up with neo-nazi Milo Yiannopoulous. As the Comey investigation of Trump’s Russia collusion heated up, Mensch began attacking anti-Trump leaders on Twitter under the guise of the legitimate left wing reputation she’d built up.
NadinevanderVelde has written most thoroughly on the danger of people like Mensch and her activities:
41. She has harassed & maligned dozens of prominent voices accusing them of being Putin shills when they challenge her garbage heap stories. pic.twitter.com/K8G6h7RO6m
— nadinevanderVelde (@nadinevdVelde) August 29, 2017
I’ve also learned a great deal from following Sarah Kendzior, Robin Brenizer and Leah McElrath. I’m not an expert at Mensch’s ongoing activities and the danger she presents, but these women are.
You can read more about Twitter’s rules about private information but based on the excerpt below, I hope Dorsey and Twitter will close Mensch’s account. It’s difficult to see how her doxing of me combined with the historical context provided by nadinevanderVelde should not result in at least a lengthy suspension.
She’s an abusive troll, likely paid as a right wing propagandist, an associate of a neo-nazi and she’s exactly the type of account that doesn’t belong on Twitter.

Twitter Rules on Private Information
If Mensch is allowed to return to Twitter, please keep reporting her abusive behavior. Although Twitter has a terrible historical track record at this, it can make a difference, at least in this case it did.
It’s odd that Mensch doxed me months after I blocked her. I think she was mainly trying to discredit the wonderful 5Calls effort but I hope it’s also because of my recent pieces at Politics of Possibility on reassessing the effectiveness of single issue activism in the Trump era and the likely theft of the 2018 election. Together, we need to find supplemental approaches to fighting the fraudulent leadership position of the Republican party and its Gorsuch Court. I will be writing more about this soon.
“neo-nazi Milo Yiannopoulous”
He’s a gay man married to a black man, who has never advocated for any form of violence and disavows racism. For you to describe him this way indicates the intellectual horsepower I’d expect from a now-burned supporter of Louise Mensch, who is a figure of great fun to all on the right.
Here’s your Milo singing w nazi’s http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/10/06/milo-yiannopolous-sang-karaoke-nazi-saluting-audience/